It’s been a while…

Hello again…

I seem to have more followers than I thought. Maybe from the last who-har that arrived from this blog… …. …. … ha. So my apologies from the lack of posts, it’s just been crazy busy! Doing what? I have no idea. Playing pool with the boyfriend and not a lot else. A dance or two at a party, the odd trip playing rounders and a picnic, or zorb footballing (yes that is a thing!)

I head to uni a week on Saturday, crazy times! I have nothing packed. Everything sorted. But nothing packed. It’ll fall together I’m sure.

I guess on the bright side this summer I’ve made a lot of new friends and feel more established with my peers. I guess that’s a good thing. Shame I didn’t manage it in my time at college, rather than when I’m leaving to go to university.

If you’re looking for an interesting read by the way you should check out one of my closest friend’s blog… its pretty cool 🙂

Enjoy peoples. Shouldn’t be too long until my next post… i hope!

An interesting week!

I can never find anything of particular interest in my life to keep you entertained on a daily basis, my life really does consist of not very much! However, this week has been a very interest one with lots of ups and downs!

I think my main priority this week was my chemistry exam I took on Friday. As per usual my chemistry teacher asked me what I was doing to prepare myself for my upcoming final and why my grades weren’t exactly… amazing.

“So Lori, what have you been doing lately to improve your grades? Why do you think your scores are very high?”

“J, I have absolutely no idea why my grades arn’t as high as you and I would both like to be, I have a private chemistry tutor and I do a few hours every day trying to improve my grade. I do lots of pass papers. I do the work to a high standard. I meet my deadlines. Can you think of anything else I could be doing?”

“Lori……. may you are just not a natural chemist?!”

I think I nearly died. No recollection of her being a pants teacher. Just me. I am not a natural at chemistry. UH. LOST PATIENCE!

Be nice people, peace out. Be kind.

Basic rules of working with Joe Blogs

As a Saturday girl at Clarks shoe shop I often see younger kids walking (or crawling or falling) through our doors, with parents concerned that their child’s feet have grown 100 sizes since they last had them checked 2 weeks ago. In other words, I see a lot of children. I take the time to measure their feet individually (with an iPad I must add! – how cool is that?!) and offer them a range of shoes in their size.

However, I have noticed one or two things which could be of use in the general working world to everybody. Pen and paper at the ready please!

1. Don’t assume because the child is dressed in blue it is a boy, or in pink it is a girl. Do ask their name first! and DO NOT assume gender… I think I may have offended a parent or two!

2. Be literal. No metaphorical. When you tell a child to ‘jump’ on the machine they will literally do so. ‘Step’ might be of better use… luckily the machine didn’t break when the Heffalump child drive bombed onto it!

3. Finally, do not ask ‘are you his grandparents’, because if the answer is ‘no we are his parents’ you end up feeling like a numpty and wanting to fall through the floorboards.

Lecture over folks!

5,6,7,8 fall through the floor!

This blog is going to be so infrequent from here on in until June 17th 2015 (last day of my exams!) but here’s my first March post!

The past few days have been incredibly shattering. I think my sleep pattern is ca-zunked (if that’s even a word) because typically as an 18 year old I like to par-tay (yes say it outloud!) and stay up until stupid o’clock in the morning. Friday evening was R’s party and being the guy he is, invited a bunch of decent people! (of which i made a new friend – wahoo!) and then when it got to leaving at gone midnight everytime I even tried to put my shoes on another conversation would be introduced or another song would be played! All in all it was an amazing party. Long story short I went to sleep at gone 3am. You can imagine my face at work the next day when I had to up at 8am to start work at 11am. Not fun when you’re working with kids and screaming children who do not like putting shoes on!

On the other hand, a particular conversation really took my attention on Friday evening’s party.  My new friend  who I was speaking to was a fellow Tim Minchin fan and it re-opened my obsessive love for the guy! What a talent! If you’ve not heard the following songs, I suggest you stop reading this and go and youtube them! DO IT!
-3 minute song

You will not be disappointed!!

Our love of insane music lead us onto other artists, and I proceeded to show him my itunes list on my phone to show him the type of music I liked. Bad move. Bad Bad Move. The boy who I had just met found my Steps album with 5,6,7,8 on. I nearly fell through the floor. I laughed and tried to excuse my music taste but he seemed pretty chilled about it and laughed along. Probably to avoid embarrassing me further. Ooops! I guess the 11 year old me still exists in my brain somewhere for me to still have that music on my phone!!

In some ways, I feel it’s my duty as an older sibling to encourage my sister to have  good taste in music. So far I’m failing. She’s very much into one direction and the chart hits. She seems to know the words to all songs going at the moment and it’s kind of scary! Once she’s into Tori Amos, The Corrs, Ed Sheeran, Depeche mode and Tim Minchin I think my job here will be done. But for now I will continue to blare them through the house and listen to her whine whilst I do so.

Kirk out my friends.

A quick one!

Ah! It’s Thursday again! I swear the weeks get faster as I get older! Thursdays are always a little manic for myself!

Just thought I’d share this awful cringe-worthy story with you all…

The other day in my chemistry class, after our exam we did a practical on coloured dyes. (I tie-dyed mine and it looked awesome!) Just as we were about to begin our practical my teacher said

“the practical is about how we go about achieving different coloured dyes. Not like die – as in keel over and stop breathing type of dying – oh my goodness…. Lori I’m so sorry… as in dye as in fabric dye. *pause* Lori I’m sorry!”

*insert awkward stunned silence as the whole class of 15 realizes what she’s just done.*

For those of you that don’t know I lost my father 2 weeks ago yesterday.

I burst into laughter and the whole class stared at me and then laughed awkwardly with me. Can’t say it was an amazing moment of my life but it certainly tells a good story!!

Walking home with my kid sister today from netball practise, she asked me what my favourite word in the english language was. I had to think hard about this but here’s my suggestions:
Noose (although explaining what this was to her was hard! – she’s 9)
Frosby (a name?)

Any other suggestions?! Have a think 🙂

The start of the end!

Today marks the first day of my 3 day holiday due to mock week for me being all of 2 days! For those who don’t know what a mock week is, it’s just a set of pretend exams to prepare us for our finals in May/June – hurrah!

Can’t say I am excited for the next coming weeks, I mean who gets pleasure from sitting in silence for a few hours being tested on knowledge I learnt probably in September of 2014? What is the actual point?! Exams are not a test of intelligence, they test how much information you can recall in a set amount of time. Completely pointless if you ask me, and I’m sure my friends would agree also. Life is not about exams, unless you are a genius at them… in which case I envy you! I consider Michael Gove to have a warped view of education if he is still claiming that the exams we sit are too easy. I would like to see him get an A at a-level Chemistry.

Uh. Chemistry. The bain of my life right now. I utterly hate every second of every minute I sit and listen to somebody tell me about benzene rings and why one mole is important. I swear I will never use any of this knowledge after June this year. Better yet, I am pretty sure my chemistry teacher doesn’t always understand it herself! I do think it is the emperors new clothes, everyone sits and listens… nods accordingly… and agrees entirely, not understanding really what the on earth anyone is saying. Further,

I’m pretty sure the same goes for maths and physics. The only true interesting science is clearly geology… because it rocks! (I love puns!)

I shall end my rant on British Education by telling you all I am currently writing this with a t-shirt on that says:

“Never trust an atom… They make up everything”

So, at heart I probably do like the subject; just not when it is rammed down my throat! Much like anything in life!

Oh and before I sign off and leave you all, hello to my new readers who can now ‘stalk’ my life 😛 you know who you are my dear friends!

In memory of…

My first post ought to be an explanatory blog to give an insight as to why I am here. I am here because 18 years ago my parents decided to have a child and fortunately or unfortunately (which ever way you choose to look at it) ended up with me! A rock loving and kinda bizarre child who enjoys being outside in the cold and rain explaining how we even got here in the first place… or at attempting to.

My late father had a blog called ‘Walls come tumbling down’ which he wrote on for a good 15 years, fairly regularly, and whilst I would love to continue his blog I do not feel it would be right of me to do so. His work is his work. Not mine. So here, in memory, is my own blog that will record and observe my findings in life. He would be pleased to see I have managed to create such a website on my own – not being the best at technology and computers! Therefore, the title of my blog is the opposite to his and I quite like it. To quote a boy from my philosophy class at college I am “quirky” and I think my title is in keeping with my reputation!

So here lies the start of my little project! Here’s to the future!